Financial Accounting versus Cost Accounting

Before we go to distinguish Financial & Cost Accounting we must have knowledge what these both conditions really are. As we determine both conditions these would instantly be separated.

Financial Accounting:

Financial Accounting is a systematical way to get ready the financial statements of a company is order to get the true and reasonable view profit and loss. These financial statements are structured to make decisions, stockholders, Bank, Provider, Investors, Got Organizations, and other stakeholders. The basic need to get ready financial statements is to analyze and decrease the deceased expenses by calculating the expenses and earnings position and to confirming the result to interested users. These statements are structured for strangers who do not take part in day to day business activities.
Simply we can say, "Financial accounting is the procedure such as producing, decoding & reviewing date taken from financial information of a company and bring it out in a yearly review for the benefit of individuals outside the organization".
In level financial accounting contains some principles, Concepts & Formula.
Financial accounting firms arrange financial statements depending on Accounting Principles which are usually approved by a particular country. Financial statements must be ready according to the (I FRS) International Financial Reporting Standards.

Accounting Cycle:

1.            Voucher.
2.            General Journal.
3.            General Ledger.
4.            Cash Book.
5.            Trail Balance.
6.            Trading benefit & Loss Accounting.
7.            Balance Piece. Cash Flow Statement.
First of all the deal happens and described in the type known as Voucher. All dealings are available in Vouchers. Then one particular type is created known as General Journal. All deal documented in one type. The next step is Called Posting in which all individual heads/accounting recorded independently in different form/accounts known as General Ledger. Cash Book is managed to record the payments and dishes or company. By the help of General Ledger the Trial Balance ready which provides the items of Trading, Profit & Loss account and Balance sheet which reveals the budget and the health of the Organization? And finally Cash Flow Statement is ready to generate the accumulation influx & output of cash.

Cost Accounting:

Cost accounting determines budget and actual cost of development, functions, divisions, procedure and the research of difference. Cost accounting is used to support decision-making to decrease expense of company and improve its success. Cost accounting does not require standards as (GAAP) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; as its primary use is for inter management, rather than outside individuals. Some of managing accounting techniques are described as under;
•             Managerial Costing.
•             Activity based Costing.
•             Standard Cost Accounting.
•             Resource Consumption Accounting.
Three Traditional Cost Elements:
•             Raw Material.
•             Labor.
•             Factory Over Head/Indirect Expenses.
Cost Accounting is being used to help the managers to understand & decrease the running expense of an Organization. Most of Cost different with the rate of development which is known as "Variable Cost" like investment property on perform, power to run a manufacturer, direct material etc. Unlikely variable cost, some costs remain the same even while active period or during zero development. These costs are calling "Fixed Cost" like Depreciation on Assets, Lease of building etc.
In cost accounting some statements are prepare. Degrees are Income Statement, Cost of Goods Sold Statement, and Cost of Production Report.

Income Statement:

Income Statement is prepared to generate the net income/profit of the company. In the procedure all direct Expenses relevant to buy of Goods/material are less from Sale and the managed quantity is known as Gross Profit. Then all direct expenses relevant to sales, Administration & Financial Expenses are taken off from (GP) Gross Profit, managed quantity after reduction is known as (NP) Net Profit/income.

Cost of Goods Sold Statement (CGS):

Cost of Goods Sold Statement is prepared to generate the all inclusive expenses which are invested on the purchasing to sell the created Products. In the preparation procedure first of all the Closing Material of last year is included in buy of Martial, which is known as "Total Material Available for Use" and Material Used is taken off from it. The remaining amount is known as "Cost of Material Consumed". Then the cost of Labor and (FOH) Factory Overhead included in cost of material consumed. The total cost is known as "Total Factory Cost" after that Opening inventory of work in process is included and closing inventory of work in process is deducted from Total Factory Cost. The amount which pushes after this is known as "Cost of Goods Manufactured". Lastly the Opening Stock of Finished Goods is included and Closing Stock of Finished Goods is deducted from Cost of Goods Manufacture and the answering amount is Called "(CGS) Cost of Goods Sold"
(Direct Material + Direct Labor= Primary Cost) (Labor + FOH= Conversion Cost)