Branches and Uses of Accounting and Limitations of Financial Accounting

Accountingvs. Accountancy: “knowledge consisting of principles, postulates, assumptions, conventions, concepts and rules of recording classifying and analyzing financial transactions is accounting. Increasing demands made on accounting by different interested parties such as owners, management, creditors, taxation authorities etc the various branches have come into existence. Financial accounting the object of financial accounting and financial accounting determine the result of business profit & loss during the particular period and balance sheet as on a date at the end of the period.
Accountingvs Book-keeping: Book-keeping concerns recording correctly and in a set of books of those transactions that result in the transfer of money or money's worth. It extends to classifying, summarizing, presenting and even analyzing accounting information.
The purpose of cost accounting is to find out the cost of goods produced or services. It also helps the business in calculating the costs by signifying avoidable losses and wastes. The object of management accounting is to supply relevant information within a time to the management to allow it to take decision and effect control. In this, we are concerned only with financial accounting. The objects of financial accounting is to record the financial transactions in a systematic manner according to a set of principles. The recorded information has to be classified, analyzed and presented in a manner in which business results and financial position can be ascertained.
Accounting plays important and useful role by developing the accounting information.
Accounting is useful in the following respects :-
(1) Increased volume of business results in large number of transactions. Accounting records prevent all necessary information to remembering various transactions.
(2) Accounting record consistent of basis practices will enable a business to compare results of one period with another period.
(3) Taxation authorities (both income tax and sales tax) are likely contained in the set of accounting books if maintained according to generally accepted accounting principles.
(4) If a business is to be sold as a going concern then the values of different assets as shown by the balance sheet helps in bargaining proper price for the business.
There are many advantages of accounting but in this section we discussed limitation of accounting.
Following are the limitations:
Financial accounting has different alternative treatments. Accounting is based on concepts and it follows “generally accepted principles" but there exist more than one principle for the treatment of any one item. All these treatments can do within the framework of generally accepted principles. For example, the closing stock of a business may be valued by anyone of the following methods: FIFO (First-in- First-out), LIFO (Last-in-First-out), Average Price, Standard Price etc., but the results are not comparable.
Financial accounting does not provide timely information
Financial accounting is designed to supply information in the form of statements (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account) for a period normally one year. The business requires timely information at everyday intervals to enable the management to plan and take action. For example, if a business has budgeted that during the current year sales should be $ 15,00,000 then it requires information whether the sales in the first month of the year amounted to $ 13,00,000 or less or more?
Traditionally, financial accounting is not supply information at shorter interval less than one year. With the beginning of computerized accounting software like HiTech Financial Accounting displays monthly profit and loss account and balance sheet to overcome this limitation. For example, in order to determine the amount of depreciation to be charged every year for the use of fixed asset it is required estimation and the income disclosed by accounting is not authoritative but 'approximation'.
Financial accounting ignores non-financial information
Financial accounting does not consider of non- financial in nature. For example, degree of competition by the business, technical innovations taken by the business, loyalty and efficiency of the employees; changes in the value of money etc. are the important matters in which management of the business is highly interested but accounting is not modified to take note of such matters. Thus any user of financial information is, naturally, underprivileged of vital information which is of non-financial.
The information supplied by the financial accounting is in reality aggregates of the financial transactions during the course of the year. Of course, it enables to study the overall results of the business the information is required regarding the cost, revenue and profit of each product but financial accounting does not provide such detailed information product- wise. For example, if business has earned a total profit of say, $ 5,00,000 during the accounting year and it sells three products namely petrol. diesel and mobile oil and wants to know profit earned by each product Financial accounting is not likely to help him unless he uses a computerized accounting system capable of handling such complex queries. Many reports in a computer accounting software like HiTech Financial Accounting which are explained with graphs and customized reports as per need of the business overcome this limitation.
Financial Accounting does not disclose the present value of the business

In financial accounting the position of the business as on a particular date is shown by a statement known as 'Balance Sheet'. In Balance Sheet the assets are shown on the basis of "Continuing Entity Concept. Thus it is presumed that business has relatively longer life and will continue to exist indefinitely, hence the asset values are 'going concern values.' The 'realized value' of each asset if sold to-day can't be known by studying the balance sheet”.